
well, enjoy these very unimportant posts...

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

3 beaches in a holiday

that's right.
we spent this holiday on beaches.

we went to Paseban, a black sand-beach in Kencong.
me, melly n varo, coz shanno has already gone back to Genteng..

then, melly went to Pasir Putih beach in Situbondo.
there's a reunion of Gemapita there.
I was not allowed to join him.

but when we were in Genteng, the big family of pak Joko planned to go to Grajagan Beach, for about 45' from home. nice. we finally had time together as a whole family.
me, melly, shanno n varo.
varo really enjoyed the time playing the water..
but we're not satisfied yet.
it's as short as a blink.

when we went back to jember, we had a quick decision to continue this beach-visit.
Papuma Beach.
just me n melly.
varo? dititipin dulu lah...
feels so young.
so happy..
though I've got to walk on the hill....


lagi-lagi sama dengan taun-taun lalu.
tahun inipun aku gak nonton JFC, Jember Fashion Carnival!

kok bisa - kok bisa?
tanya aja suamiku.
dia gak suka sama yang begituan.
katanya jeefsi itu cuma rombongan orang berbaju aneh yang dengan pedenya jalan-jalan di kota.

sebenernya ada dua poin yang aku juga agak gak segitu setuju untuk nonton event itu.
desain bajunya emang harus meriah gitu ya?
asesorisnya emang harus membumbung setinggi anten parabola?
aku benci keramaian.
pengen banget nonton kalo gada penonton lainnya.
apa asiknya liat kalo dusel-duselan sama seantero orang jember, bondowoso, lumajang, banyuwangi, probolinggo, turis-turis asean pada tumpleg bleg di jalanan.

mungkin itu juga alasan misuaku.

let's analyze that.

poin satu.
ya biarin lah, mereka kan emang model.
model musti dandan sebegitunya untuk diliat...
poin dua.
realistis dong,fu..(bkn dong yi)
seng nggenah ae, mosok model-model itu berdandan heboh gitu cuman buat ditonton satu orang?
orangnya uda ibuk-ibuk, yang pasti ribet dengan dua anaknya waktu nonton.
lak kan mubazir ceritanya...

poin extra:
aku emang g suka dengan hiasan n riasannya, tapi ini kan event besarnya jember.. acara yang sekarang banyak ditiru kota-kota lain. acara yang uda disiapin jauh-jauh hari, digagas selama 10 tahun oleh sang maestro, Dynand Fariz, hingga dapat berbagai penghargaan. hebatz. hebatz.

biar, pokoknya taun depan aku harus nonton.
with or without him!
hahaha, mak segitunya. . .

ngopi ngopi

suka banget dah sama lagu-lagu era tahun 90an..
genre apapun aku suka.
sukaaaaa buanget!
tak terkatakan betapa sukanya....
iyoiyo, cek ngotote...

yang surprising itu adalah pada saat jam ngajar berakhir.
aku yang hobi donlot lagu-lagu tsb; nyimpen di komputer lab; muter saat siswa ngerjain soal;
tiba-tiba dikejutkan dengan siswa yang sengaja pulang belakangan,
n bilang gini, "Bu, boleh ngopi lagunya yak?"
"gak salah,nak? lagunya kan jadul-jadul.. kamu pasti masih bayi waktu lagu-lagu ini ngehits"
"gpp, enak didengerinnya,Bu.."

setujuu! 90's songs last foreva.....

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

foody with fufu

I am not going to talk about food I like, because I am not a kind of culinary lover.
it's not about the food I hate,
it's just about some food which is not my favorite.
check these out:

food made from potato
donut and lumpur.
ewww....it feels like pushing a tractor through my throat.
the tractor has just been to a paddy field.
very muddy.

hot food
it will turn me to be a furious dragon.
and I won't need a single match for my entire life..
also, I won't be affected by the periodical craziness of chilli's price.


prof. Hembing says it's a traditional junk food.
full of preservatives, whitener or coloring, additional flavor,etc.

oily food

greasy n oily frying food?
lumpia, weci/heci/hongkong/ote-ote,etc..

maybe one day a person will give me a basket full of those food
and a pocket full of dollar,
I will absolutely say," no thank you, no thank you"
but I'm gonna keep that money. hehehe


what makes people think that it is the king of fruit?
it's just bigger and scarier than other fruit.
nothing special with the taste and smell.
the special things are only its price and cholesterol maker.
that's it.